20th January 2020
The courage to meet the demands of fear. Part 1.
Courage is a response to fear. If you have fear, welcome to the human race for the moment you care is the moment you feel fear.
Courage is a response to fear. If you have fear, welcome to the human race for the moment you care is the moment you feel fear.
The short answer is, I couldn’t tell you. Because so many factors come into play, and genetics accounts for a very small percentage of that result. What I can tell you is how quickly you FEEL the result. After all, we are aiming for long term health and not instant fixes here. Yes, CrossFit is […]
CrossFit is easier and cheaper to start than you think. It’s actually easier to get started with the CrossFit methodology. CrossFit’s definition of fitness is ‘work capacity over broad time and modal domains’. I realise that may not make much sense, however, at its core, it means, ‘how much work can you produce in a given […]
Chasing the ‘leader board’ Well, there is no leader board. At least there shouldn’t be and you shouldn’t look at it that way. If you start to chase times and people you will almost always compromise your form for the sake of a few seconds. Remember we are training for competence not dominance. […]
How is White Cliffs CrossFit great for YOU? I know what you’re thinking. ‘I’ll try it when I’m fit enough’ ‘Don’t you have to be super fit to do that?’ ‘’I’ll look stupid being ‘last’ ‘I can’t do what they’re doing? “What if the coaches are crap? ‘I’ll lose weight first then try a class’ […]
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