

kent crossfit Dover


3rd December 2019

Our Resident Physiotherapist

I want to announce we have a physiotherapist joining us and she’s already a CrossFitter so completely understands! We will be building a dedicated room for her. She should be ready to go in January. Please refer your friends and family to her!

Jim Murphy and Molly Little will still be handling soft tissue and remedial massage therapy.

Emma Dorban-Hall
Physiotherapy BSc
07881 526419

Emma is a sports physiotherapist with many years experience treating top level athletes. In her role as Clinical Lead for WASPs FC Women’s Premier 15s she responded to athletes from the moment of injury on the pitch and guided then back to high level performance.
Emma combines manual therapy techniques, soft tissue release and acupuncture with exercise based rehabilitation. This ensures your rapid transition away from pain and back to the sport you love.
It’s not just athletes that Emma can help. Many of her clients include office workers with issues arising from poor posture and pre and post operative clients. Consider pre-operative Physiotherapy if you are in need of a hip or knee replacement, it can often reduce recovery time by up to 50%.
Skill set:
Exercise based rehabilitation
Mobilisation with movement
Gait assessment
Performance analysis
Taping, for stability and proprioception
Acupuncture/dry needling
Sports massage therapy
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation

Booking will be added to the website soon!

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