

kent crossfit Dover


8th December 2018

8 Common mistakes to avoid in CrossFit

    Chasing the ‘leader board’ Well, there is no leader board. At least there shouldn’t be and you shouldn’t look at it that way. If you start to chase times and people you will almost always compromise your form for the sake of a few seconds. Remember we are training for competence not dominance. […]

20th November 2018

How is White Cliffs CrossFit GREAT for you?

How is White Cliffs CrossFit great for YOU? I know what you’re thinking.  ‘I’ll try it when I’m fit enough’ ‘Don’t you have to be super fit to do that?’ ‘’I’ll look stupid being ‘last’ ‘I can’t do what they’re doing? “What if the coaches are crap? ‘I’ll lose weight first then try a class’ […]

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